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We have a fantastic team at Dignitas and we would love to introduce you to each member over the coming months.

Today, we interview Hellen Matu about her role at Dignitas and the great story about how she came to join the team. Welcome Hellen!

What is your role on the team?
 I am an Instructional Coach.

How long have you been working at Dignities? Two months.

What kind of activities does your role involve? Ensuring high-quality instruction in classrooms through modeling, co-planning, co-teaching, and providing feedback to teachers with the aim of improving instructional quality across all subject areas.

I also play key roles in organizing and facilitating the Leadership Training Institute, Professional Development Workshops and in supporting teacher-to-teacher engagement through Professional Learning Communities.

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“That encounter will remain with me as a reminder that where there is a will there is a way.”

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What brought you to Dignitas?
My journey to Dignitas began with a search for more information in coaching. In my search I stumbled upon on a book called The Art of Coaching which really intrigued me. I contacted the author, Elena Aguilar, requesting her to advise me on the courses available for coaching. What I did not know was that she was an icon in the world of transformational coaching, and that the Dignitas approach borrows heavily from her book. One thing led to another and I got the privilege of joining Team Dignitas. That encounter will remain with me as a reminder that where there is a will there is a way.

Who or what inspired you to teach?
My love for teaching was instilled by my early grade teacher Mrs. Mwangi through the love and deep care that she showed me as a little girl. She modelled teaching as a fulfilling and meaningful career which put a desire in me to become a teacher like her one day.

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What do you love about Dignitas?
What makes me proud about Dignitas is the high quality of engagement with teachers and schools at large where the partner schools are facilitated to come up with the solutions to their problems. This I believe brings a lasting transformation rather than the dependency syndrome.

What are you doing when not supporting school leaders through Dignitas?
My hobbies are singing, travelling, reading and chatting with friends.

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Thank you, Hellen!

You can meet the rest of our team here! And be sure to pop back to our website or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay up-to-date with all we are doing to transform schools in Kenya!



  • Lillian

    August 25, 2016 - 10:51 am

    Good job Hellen! May you too inspire many more just as your teacher did.

  • Shish

    August 30, 2016 - 10:27 pm

    Congratulation Helen….this is beautiful..

  • Victor

    August 31, 2016 - 12:10 am

    That’s my awesome cousin. Good job

  • Anne

    August 31, 2016 - 8:29 am

    Lovely story Hellen and congrats on your new assignment. You are such an inspiration!

  • Hezron karuga

    September 27, 2016 - 3:07 pm

    Our process in life is managed by an almighty hand of God. Sis your journey is in the hand of God. Congratulations in your new endeavour.

  • julie ogonya

    November 9, 2016 - 1:41 pm

    Wow Hellen. I am happy for

  • Simon

    November 11, 2016 - 3:14 pm

    This is really a great achievement to qoute your words where there is will there is a way good luck for for inspiration

  • Elisha olando afwata

    December 8, 2016 - 3:46 am

    Inspirational introduction, continue affecting lives in the education sector. Hoping to join you soon and just do something new to the Kenyan children.

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