Despite the challenges of 2020, our amazing Dignitas team managed to have two virtual retreats, in August and December.  These were extremely valuable in helping us pause, reflect and learn amidst the chaos of 2020.  During the retreats we took time to reflect on what we were learning, reviewing evidence and impact data from across our programs, we thought deeply about how to ensure quality and excellence in all our work, and we considered carefully what our next stage of growth might look like.  As a result, we are excited to launch our 2021 strategy!  The strategy builds on our 2019-2021 strategy ‘GIVES’ (Grow, Impact, Value, Evidence, Sustain) and focuses in on critical steps we need to achieve in 2021.

First, we will focus on GROW

We believe collaborative working and learning is a key part of how we grow. We are working to identify partners with whom we share vision, passion and purpose so that we can work together to transform opportunities for the next generation.

Our Goal: Prepare, partner for, and pursue growth. Engage community, government and other stakeholders as an integral part of that growth.

Secondly, we will focus on IMPACT

Impact must speak to a depth of positive change, and transformative shifts in classroom, school, and leadership practice. Growing impact is not solely a pursuit of numbers.

Our Goal: Ensure that all our work is impactful, and therefore meaningful, in ensuring schools are places for children to thrive and succeed.

Finally, we will focus on EVIDENCE.

Evidence about what works for children must be a shared, public good so that our learning and expertise can contribute to impact for children beyond our own reach.

Our Goal: Build and share a credible body of evidence that speaks to the role of school leaders and teacher leaders, the potential of learners, and their right to thrive. Leverage evidence to drive influence and build a strong organizational profile.

Our team has mapped out various goals and activities under each of these areas, and of course under VALUE and SUSTAIN too.  Our programs in 2021 will extend to 100,000 children from 340 school partners.  Contact us to find out more about how you can get involved and support our work.

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