A message from our Interim CEO, Steve Kariithi

Dear Friends of Dignitas,

Everyday across Kenya and the world, often unseen leaders, wake up to pour their lives into shaping the next generation. These teachers walk into classrooms across the country where millions of children come to learn. These classrooms and schools not only pass on academic knowledge to the students, but they also hold the potential to instill values, build character and expand opportunities for their students.

This is why Dignitas invests in teachers. We imagine a world where schools are a vibrant place for all children to thrive and succeed and we see every teacher as a leader who has the potential to bring each child into a new world. This year, we have worked with over 1,400 teachers to transform opportunities for over 121,000 students in some of the most marginalized communities. 

As we celebrate World Teachers’ Day, we honour the voice of every teacher. As, Keziah, a teacher from one of our partner schools in Dagoretti, told me during a school visit, “The world becomes what a teacher teaches. We shape the world. If we can shape the learner, we shape the world.” Every teacher counts.

Click on the image below to watch Teacher Keziah’s video

I am deeply grateful to all our partners who enable us to do this. Thank you! 

On behalf of the Dignitas Board and Team, Happy Teachers’ day to all teachers in Kenya and across the globe.

Steve Kariithi,
Interim CEO,

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