Dr. Evangeline N. Nderu

Independent Consultant | Education & Development, PhD |Cycling enthusiast | Technical Advisory Board – Dignitas

In the heart of an early morning, the world begins to stir, but Dr. Eva has already found her sanctuary. Her perfect day starts with half an hour of silence, accompanied by a good cup of coffee and an inspiring book. It’s her time to reflect, pray, and meditate, setting a peaceful tone for the hours ahead. This tranquility is soon exchanged for the invigorating rush of a one to two-hour bike ride, after which she sees her twin boys off to school. The morning then unfolds with errands and shopping alongside her mother, a cherished bonding ritual.

By afternoon, Dr. Eva is back to her professional passion—teaching. She delights in activities that contribute to building individuals or organizations and sharing her knowledge and experience. When evening arrives, her boys return home, and she prepares dinner, creating a warm, nurturing environment. The day winds down with either a quiet evening or an energetic dance-out session, celebrating the day’s accomplishments and joys.

Dr. Eva cycling adventures

The Educational Odyssey

Dr. Eva’s journey in education spans decades and continents, marked by a commitment to learning and teaching. Her academic voyage began with an undergraduate degree in Mathematics, followed by a Master’s in Elementary Education, focusing on Mathematics, in the USA. A scholarship paved the way for her Doctorate in Education Policy and Administration , with a focus on Comparative International Development Education.

Her career took off in South Sudan, a period she describes as the most transformative of her life, professionally and personally. “I learned cross-cultural communication in ways the classroom could never teach,” she recalls. “Working with people from diverse backgrounds cultivated patience, developed empathy, adaptability, innovative thinking, and an open mind.”

Implementing the Basic Education Act (2012)

Dr. Eva’s role in the implementation of the Basic Education Act (2012) in South Sudan is a testament to her resilience and leadership. She faced formidable challenges, from navigating linguistic and cultural barriers to working within a secretariat dominated by military personnel. “They were not accustomed to taking directives from a woman,” she notes. “It required resilience and developing a thick skin.”

She learned to bring together stakeholders from government, local communities, international organizations, funders, and donors. “Networking was key, as was identifying champions early on in other organizations and cultivating those relationships. Understanding each player’s motivator was crucial in ensuring everyone’s participation.”

Enhancing Educational Skills

As both a teacher and administrator, Dr. Eva believes in the intrinsic value every individual brings. “I’ve found that believing everyone you come across has something to teach you is essential,” she shares. This approach empowers learners, making them feel valued and part of the conversation.

Shaping Dignitas’ Strategic Direction

On the Technical Advisory Board of Dignitas, Dr. Eva contributes to the organization’s strategic direction and long-term goals. “There’s a critical need to strengthen and systemize leadership in the education system down to schools,” she asserts. “A good teacher is promoted to a leadership position often without adequate training. Dignitas steps in to provide systematic leadership training.”

She envisions Dignitas scaling up its efforts across the country and the continent, with support from champions within and beyond the organization.

Balancing Diverse Roles

Dr. Eva juggles multiple roles with remarkable coherence. From program evaluator to technical advisor, her ability to stay focused and organized is admirable. If she could instantly master any skill, it would be playing a string instrument, particularly the piano—a testament to her love for learning.

Rotarian Endeavors

For 17 years, Dr. Eva has been an active Rotarian, making friends across continents and contributing her expertise. “Serving as a Basic Education & Literacy Cadre, I advise on educational programs funded throughout the continent,” she explains. Her role in the Rotary Club of Karen allows her to blend professional skills with personal passion, supporting the development and oversight of projects to help improve the lives of children and communities.

Mentorship: A Lifelong Passion

Mentorship is a cornerstone of Dr. Eva’s career. “Walking with someone who has expressed interest in a certain field and pushing them towards their goals is incredibly fulfilling,” she says. With two sons, she is enthusiastic about supporting boys and young men so they are not left behind; however, she mentors professional women through Project Girls for Girls. She emphasizes that mentorship, whether formal or informal, is a reciprocal relationship that enriches both mentor and mentee. 

Addressing Sub-Saharan Africa’s Educational Challenges

Dr. Eva sees many pressing challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa’s education system, from cultural barriers to resource constraints. Her strategies for addressing these include strengthening school leadership, improving teacher-student ratios, and enhancing the status of teachers to attract passionate educators.

Advice for Aspiring Educators

For those aspiring to make a meaningful impact in education, Dr. Eva offers this advice: “First, ensure your heart is in it. Identify gaps around you and work towards filling them. Be brave, step forward, and be bold, even in fear.”

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